Work With Me

Quantum Transformational Breakthrough

1:1 Session: Theta Healing & DNA reprogramming to remove unconscious blocks and limiting patterns, programs and beliefs. So you can embody more of your Higher-Self and activate higher timelines of existence and be on the path to create more wealth, improve your health and have healthier relationships. 

Learn More & Book Here

Cosmic Channeling

1:1 Session: Private Trance Channeling with Rubia & the Arcturians. 

Learn More & Book Here

Ascension Codex 

A 6-month Immersion for Missioned Souls. 

Learn More & Apply Here

1:1 Frequency Shift Mentoring

Limited spots available. Starting at 3 months this is an opportunity to receive ongoing advanced support from Rubia. You will work on overcoming unconscious limitations so you can embody more of your Higher-Self, activate higher timelines of existence, activate your channel and intuition on a deeper level, improve wellbeing and cultivate healthier dynamics in your relationships. 

Apply Here