Step Into Your Infinite Abilities

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Join this exclusive Activation designed to help you up-level your channeling abilities and intuitive gifts so you can serve humanity at the highest and quantum leap into higher timelines of existence. 


Beautiful sou, we are all Channelers. We are all gifted.
I often get asked, “Rubia, how do you channel such advanced cosmic information with ease and precision?” And the answer is simpler than you might think—it’s not about how I do it, but rather what I’ve let go of in order to fully embody my channeling abilities.
The truth is, to unlock your infinite abilities as a channel, it’s about clearing away the layers—ancestral wounds, limiting beliefs, and societal conditioning. These are the blocks that keep us from fully stepping into our magic.
When I cleared these layers, I made space for trust, surrender, and courage to guide me, allowing me to trance channel Light Beings like the Arcturians, work with DNA reprogramming and bring through next-level cosmic downloads.
But here’s the thing—your magic is unique to you.
While my channeling may focus on cosmic energies and DNA healing, yours may come through breathwork, energy healing, light language, astrology, coaching or whatever your beautiful, unique art may be. When you tap into your gifts, you’re channeling your higher self and time literally stops.
That's when you are in full alignment with your creative essence—and that’s where the real magic happens.
The more you access this state, the more you share your gifts with the world, and the faster you shift into higher timelines of existence. And this, dear one, is how we create the New Earth together. It’s a state of being.
So I invite you to join me and beautiful Beings of Light so you can receive:
✨ DISCOVER: and learn more about the templates of Divine Cosmic Channeling and how they can be activated to support your ascension and of humanity's at the highest. 
✨ ACTIVATION: with the support of the beautiful Beings of Light I co-create with, I will take you through a powerful activation to awaken dormant gifts on a soul blueprint level, allowing you to deepen your connection with your guides and receive their higher-dimensional guidance with greater clarity and precision.
✨ DE-ACTIVATION: Receive a decoding quantum surgery to remove aspects of fear from your energetic field so you can be on the path to stepping into your infinite abilities with divine knowing and full trust. 
Plus so much more! 
This transmission is part of the Channeling Codex journey, and all souls in this program will receive this Activation as part of their pre-work for the full experience. 
Much love
Rubia ❤️






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Rubia Lacerda

Channeler, Ascension Mentor & Quantum Healer